Friday, March 5, 2010


In order to fulfill the prerequisites for the Doctor of Naturopathy program at Bastyr and NCNM, I must take:
2 courses Biology
2 courses Chemistry
2 courses Organic Chemistry
2 courses Physics
1 course College Algebra (I'll be taking Trigonometry)
and of course labs with all courses except for math.

I basically changed my major and now I'm kicking myself for copping-out on Gustavus's science requirement by taking a course on natural disasters instead of Biology. And taking Nature of Math instead of Pre-Calc or higher. Oh well, that's life for sure!

Last semester I took General Biology I which I really should have skipped and taken Gen Bio II because it was on par with a high school level course. My awful teacher didn't help matters. Fortunately I also took Anatomy & Physiology I at the same time with the most wonderful teacher! I really enjoyed that class and made a few close friends.

This semester I decided to continue to Anatomy & Physiology II to learn about more detailed systems of the body. My teacher isn't quite the same and my classmates can be quite irritating at times, but overall it's going well. I made two new friends, one of whom was born and raised in Wasilla until she was 13. Very cool!

Additionally, I am taking Microbiology. This is the most interesting class this semester by far. Even though I'm freaking out a little bit (as she warned us we would start doing) about my little cut being infected and developing necrotizing fasciitis, the information is so fresh and new. My professor has a PhD and is very knowledgeable, having done extensive research in her field. Microbiology lab always goes the full 2.5 hours but it flies by as we create our own slides and look at our organisms under our microscopes. Currently we have each been given an unknown organism and we must run a series of tests to deduce which of the six choices it is! Plus, I get to wear a lab coat which undoubtedly makes me feel very studious and official.

Finally, I am taking Gen Chem I. This is a hard class. My teacher, Brian, makes it a true college level course and he goes at a very quick pace and relies on the students to be prepared by reading the text and knowing how to self-teach. Most of the class hates his methods but I'm pretty much okay with them. He has made a few changes since most of the class bombed the first test (I got an 88 so I'm feeling pretty good) but the problem is that there is so much information to cram in to one semester that it is hard for him to slow down and still cover it all. I have three new friends in that class so I don't mind class and lab. One of my friends is a firefighting dad who knows a lot about chemicals. My other friend is a local "'Zona-boy" who is doing his undergrad at PVCC. My lab partner is not in my lecture class, but she is a very sweet young momma who recently moved here from... Wyoming or Montana (I think).

I had a job in the fall but it was awful and I ended up quitting so other than selling Mary Kay I don't have a job currently. I'm thinking that once Nick and I move to our new apartment in May I'll start looking out in that area. So until then this is what i've got going on! Oh, and going to the gym and taking tennis lessons.... for another post.

Super Update!

A lot has changed since my last post.

I am still continuing to take community college classes in the pursuit of starting naturopathic medical school, however, I am no longer applying to SCNM. For multiple reasons, I have decided that one of the naturopathic schools in the Pacific NW would be better. Therefore, we are 99% sure that we will be moving to Seattle in June 2011! If it's not Seattle then it will probably be Portland, home to National College of Natural Medicine.

Our relocation to Seattle will mean that I will attend Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA to pursue a Doctor of Naturopathy degree as well as a Masters in Midwifery (pending accreditation of a merger in progress). At this time I see myself specializing in Women's Health, which would be awesome.

Nick is not planning on continuing to teach after this next year because he (nor I) like the fact that he has to bring his work home with him every night, making each work day at least 18 hours long. Seattle would provide him with lots of opportunities to explore a new career path or two.

So that's the most significant update, as this decision has shaped a lot of other decisions like where to live and how many classes I need to take and when, etc. I'll try my darndest to keep this blog a little more updated from now on :)

Oh and btw Nick and I got married. I guess that's a big deal, too ;) Check out our family website: