While searching for interesting jobs, I stumbled across the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. I highly suggest you Google it and check it out. It's basically a school based on a way of doing medicine with which I highly agree. They are also very green, too. After discovering this school, I decided this was a career path I wanted to take. However, since I never took one biology, chemistry, or physics course at Gustavus, I need to take those here in AZ before I can apply.
Enter the Maricopa Community College system. This system has 10 community colleges so that a student can take the same course at any of the colleges. Though I have had some strife in arranging a class schedule, the first day of class this Tuesday I made it work. I am currently taking BIO-181 (General Biology) and BIO-201 (Anatomy and Physiology). Biology is basically a high school course so we'll see how that goes. Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) is more challenging, interesting, and worthwhile. Plus, we meet in a brand new building that has a shiny new cadaver lab in it! We get to look at muscles on cadavers in October! Super exciting.
So that's where I'm at currently. It's nice to have something on my weekly agenda, and a couple of textbooks to read when I'm bored. So far no job, but the local Starbucks is going to soon have openings! Wish me luck!
Good luck with your classes! how is the MaryKay thing working out? Also, if you work at starbucks, get me discounts since i am having starbucks withdrawal from being soooo damn poor. ugh. Good luck with finding a job, trust me, crossing my fingers you get one at starbucks! XOXO