Yesterday marked my 21st day straight of Bikram yoga. I am going for 30 days. Bikram challenges new students to practice every day for 60 days, which I would definitely do except that I'm going to Alaska for the second month.
What makes Bikram yoga different from other styles is that it is practiced in a room heated to (or above) 105 degrees. Each 90 minute session is comprised of two sets of 26 postures, with periods of rest in between. The rest (savasana) poses are the reason that I can do this everyday.. it's recovery time built in. A time for the body to absorb the benefits of the previous pose.
Each day is different. Some days are hard and some days are really great. On hard days I usually have eaten something too soon or too heavy, or I haven't eaten, or I haven't had enough sleep. My mind races and I get panicky about the heat in the room. I've shed a few tears but I keep going. On good days, I can push myself and achieve new levels in the poses.
My favorite pose is standing bow pulling. It's my goal pose... I want to be able to lock out someday soon! My nemesis is triangle pose. My back foot slips on the floor which is the most annoying thing ever for me.
I've enjoyed the challenge and the benefits. I have so much more muscle already, even in my back around my spine, and my posture has improved noticeably! When I get back I plan on continuing to practice 3-4 times a week and triathlon train the other days.
sounds crazy Ashley! You are awesome! Hope I see you while you're up in the AK. Are you going to have a bike? Maybe we could go for a ride or hike...