Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Nick and I arrived in Anchorage, Alaska on Monday. We have been treated to a beautiful, wintry wonderland so far. There is lots of snow, not much wind, and even though the temperature is in the single-digits, it does not feel too cold. Last year I felt cold the entire time I was here, no matter how many layers I was wearing. I'm thankful that is not the case now.

It is also nice to be home and not have to be planning or participating in a wedding. Though it was nice having my closest friends here, it's a lot more relaxing this way. Plus, we get to celebrate our first anniversary and eat some very delicious (though not vegan) wedding cake! More on this will come on our family blog in a week from today.

Nick is enjoying the abundance of time to relax, while I am a bit restless. Perhaps I will do some cleaning and organizing, or at least go workout a bit. I got my hair cut and dyed at the salon I've been going to since I was 13. We had snacks and egg nog (soy nog this year) as part of our annual Christmas tradition. I dyed my hair a reliable dark red color that I've had several times before. It looks smashing!

That's all for now, really. More soon.


  1. In the last month or so I've been clamoring to go to Alaska (though such a trip probably won't happen until next fall at the very earliest). I suppose I'll have to live vicariously through you until then :)


  2. Lauren, please please come visit! And if you do you really should come when I'm here... i have a spare room in my house and I'm a great tour guide! It's a beautiful place and there is so much outdoorsy wonderfulness. I should post some Alaska photos up for you.
